Monday, December 6, 2010

So long and goodnight.

My experience with blogging was it can be quite enjoyable. I was skeptical about a hybrid class, because I had taken a math hybrid class before and the experience was not so pleasant. It was easier to type and post assignments than to write them all out. I liked being able to read and see everyone else’s work also to compare to my own. However, I do not think I will keep my blog going. Maybe in the future I will blog again, but I have a facebook right now. I really enjoyed everybody’s blogs, and if someone wants to keep in touch with me and has a facebook just send a friend request. Overall, I would say blogging is fun and it coincided well with an English class since it was about writing. My last words are some of you are excellent writers and should keep your blogs going. I hope to see some of you in Critical Thinking and Composition.


  1. Sierra, I just want to thank you for your comments on my blog pages, and for your wonderful view of things...I wish you well my friend...and I know that we will cross paths again next semester...peace

  2. Hey savanna, thank you for sharing your thoughts and great stories with us throughout the semester. Good luck in achieving your goals and hopefully Ill see you around in school.

  3. Even though I didn't comment on all your blogs I enjoyed reading them. Good luck in the future.

  4. You had ever good information on your blog and I like reading them all the time.
